
Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I was going to continue my annual convention recap with all of my awesome pictures of our VIP Disneyland dinner with all of my clients and pictures of the actual convention.

When am I going to get to wear these again?

Disney open bar? Yes, please.

I took lots of cool pictures, but my paranoia started to kick in half way through the second part of my post and I decided against posting pictures of clients - even though I have some really good shots! So I have to stick with non people pictures...

It got me thinking about all of the things that people post on the net. Generally, I'm not shy nor do I have a secret life but I have to be careful when it comes to my job and the privacy of my accounts. I started thinking about the ripple effect of a client stumbling upon my blog and seeing their picture, and so on.

I have really good relationships with them and I'm friends with a lot of them of facebook not to mention hearing all about their personal lives over the phone, so it's not like it would be all that weird to blog about a cool experience with them at Disneyland...but in the end, I decided against it.

Does anyone else think about things like this or is it just me?

I think I'm overly tired. Today was the last night of the convention, but I still have a bunch of work left to do. It's been almost a week since I've seen poor little Lou! I hope he remembers me.

I'm off to get some sleep. Maybe I will have some actually training stuff to post soon.


  1. I get paranoid, too. I try to stay clear of photos of people that don't know about the blog or don't read it. . . but usually I'll be like "This is going on the blog!" so they know.

    I'm a fan of atmosphere photos!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only paranoid one, lol! You never know how people will react, you know? :)

  2. I've had the same thoughts as well. So then usually some things hit the blog -but they stay away from facebook.

    And like my favorite Abby up there, I love to say, "ooh, I'm blogging this!" or "Smile, it's for the blog!"

    1. I always warn people, too, but in this case, I figured posting pictures of my clients all over the place was probably not a wise move. Plus, I don't know how I feel about them reading my blog, you know? It's only attached to my Twitter account and not my facebook page for that very reason.


Thanks for reading!