
Sunday, December 9, 2012

My First DNS

I was supposed to run the Hot Chocolate 15K today. I really wanted to run it, too. Last week, Tara and I were trying to fit in some races since there's so many to choose from during this time of year in Phoenix, AZ, and we need to get some serious training done considering Goofy is creeping up on us.

Through a long series of texts that included this little gem below, we agreed to sign up for the Hot Chocolate 15K.

Just call me Dr. Jaime. I will stitch you up!

Annnnnnyway, so we decided to run it. It looked like a lot of fun. But then this weekend happened, and well, I had my first DNS (that's Did Not Start for those of you that are unfamiliar with racing lingo).

So Friday night, we celebrated Tara's birthday on the other side of the world at Los Dos Molino's, which has awesome Mexican food.

And I had a giant Prickly Pear Margarita, which was amazing. I was leaning towards the raspberry, but this guy David ordered this for me and it rocked!

My mouth is watering looking at this picture.
I also intended to run on Saturday before our race Sunday, but this has been such a crazy, killer week, that I just couldn't make myself get it together. I still had every intention of running the race on Sunday, however.

Buuuuut, then there was our Kemah Farms Christmas Party, which was an event. Mostly, because we decided to dress it up. It was catered and we had a musician, which was really nice.

Some of the Kemah Farms girls:
Ava, Linda, Kristy, me, Jeannette

I actually can get dressed up! But don't ask me to wear stilettos and drink wine. Not a good combination.

I really, really tried to keep in mind that I was supposed to race in the morning, but the longer the night went on, the more I just wanted to have fun with some of my favorite people. (Although, Tara is one of my favorite people, too, but running is not really as fun as drinking wine and getting all crazy, right?)

And then it got more and more wild...

And then this happened...

By the time I left, I still thought maybe I could pull off a 15K in the morning. I got home, set out my race stuff and went to bed. When my alarm went off, I had a killer head ache. I'm sure it wasn't from the wine...

I had given Tara a heads up that I might not be ready to race earlier in the night, but then on my way home I convinced myself I could do it...

At 6:00AM, I said screw it and went back to bed. So I do not have an awesome race recap for you. But Tara was a rock star and did it, anyway. I have a couple of race options for next weekend, so I better to stick to my guns on one of those.

I did meet the barn peeps for breakfast this morning.

Don't we look great?

And I saw my little Lou, but I gave him the day off. He's only four, after all. He doesn't have to work as hard as the big boys.

That little face can't help but make me smile.

So that was my weekend. How was yours?


  1. Hey, if you're going to have your first DNS, this is at least a good reason for it! I had my first DNS this fall due to Strep Throat. Partying the night before is a valid excuse!

    Seriously - Goofy -- it is so soon!! I just want it to be time already!!

    1. That was my thought! I don't think I would have skipped it if it was a half marathon, but hey, you never know. And, holy shit. Goofy. OMG, why am I getting lazier and lazier? All summer I kept saying I would run when it was finally nice out and now it is and I'm still not doing enough.

    2. Same here. Today I thought I'd run 15 or 18 miles. I did five. FIVE. OMG. My "long run" is five miles???

    3. I haven't done any, so you're way ahead of me! I did sign up for a 12-12-12 virtual race for Wednesday night to help keep me motivated for a long run. I'm looking for some more just to try and change it up a little.... I will send yout he link on Facebook, in case you want to jump on the bandwagon. ;)

  2. least you didnt get your first DNF at the race! I ran a mile then had to turn around and do a race walk of shame back to the start. I hurt my ankle and just could do 8 more miles on it - but I still feel like a quitter. But Tara is so sweet and she stopped to make sure I was ok :)

    PS - all that wine and dancing looks like lots of fun!!

    1. Oh no!! I'm sorry to hear that! Are you okay?

      I'm sure stopping was the smart thing to do. If your ankle was already hurting that early, 8 more miles would have been horrible. Kudos for trying!

  3. It's hard enough to have a social life and train, but to train during the holidays?! Ugh. The only upside is that hopefully we're burning off all the extra calories.

    God, I miss having a social life.

    1. Thank God, I turn everything I do into a social event! At least my other sport (riding horses) is a pretty social affair since I wouldn't have time for friends otherwise!


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