
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It Might Be Time To Freak Out

I keep thinking I have all sorts of time to train for the NYC Marathon, but it's getting frighteningly closer. I keep checking the New York Road Runners page, not for marathon updates, but for swag updates. Because God knows, I am going to go cray cray buying things with that logo on it.

But then I saw the count down. (Cue ominous music here)

Well, yikes. That's pretty close.

I've actually been training, but it's not pretty. Like, at all. I've done several double digit runs, but I've been hovering in the 12 to 13 mile range, because, well, anything longer just blows. Plus, being the slow turtle-like runner that I am and the Florida-esque humidity along with the Arizona hellish heat, it has just been really, really miserable. I know, I know, boo hoo. Suck it up.

My new awesome weather app.


I keep imagining how much nicer the weather will be in NYC, but it will be crappy here until pretty much the weekend before we leave. In a lot of ways, I keep wanting to just blow it all off and wing it, but I also don't want to have a completely horrible experience. After all, how many times will I get the opportunity to run this race?

In the meantime, I've been trolling the NYRR store website. In 2012, they offered really cool finisher jackets for pre-order that you could have delivered right to your hotel the next day. How cool is that?! This year's finisher jackets haven't been released, yet, but there's other cool stuff.

A little pricey for a t-shirt, but I want it.


Water bottle? Yes, please.

Of course, the thing I'm really holding out for is the Asics NYCM back pack. My sister got me one from when I was supposed to run it in 2012 as a gift. Now, it doesn't have the year on it, but it has the old ING logo. NYRR has partnered up with TCS and the logo is different. So of course, I need a new one, right? Right?

The answer is yes. I'm a sucker for awesome backpacks and the Asics NYCM backpack is really reasonably priced and really good quality. At least the one I have is. I haven't seen the new one, but I emailed them and they assured me that one would be offered this year. #priorities

Somebody help me use restraint. Anyway, looking at merchandise helps motivate me to get out there and run. Mainly by scaring the shit out me.

This app is the best. Seriously.





  1. are hilarious.....but please get your butt outside and get your mileage up so you don't hate running the marathon in 46 days. I am right with you about buying swag for races. I can't wait to buy stuff at Marine Corps, already planning on a jacket and hat. And when I get to Boston next year, I want one of everything and probably two of some things. I doubt I will ever qualify again, so I plan to just empty my wallet at the expo!

    1. OMG, BOSTON. Not only would I go insane buying merchandise, you'd better believe I'd be getting a tattoo of that magical Boston unicorn!

  2. As little as I care about the runDisney merchandise, I think if I was doing NYC I'd have to bring an extra suitcase just to get everything that I'd buy home.

    1. I'm starting to feel the same way about the rD merchandise. I HAD to have something with the marathon logo on it because it was my first marathon, but their stuff is less than amazing. I often wonder who designs their stuff. It's typically not that great.

  3. Look at official race merchandise gets me excited nd definitely motivates me!

    1. I feel like I want to send a link to RunDisney with NYRR's pre-sale page and say, "This is how it's done!"

  4. Having run NYCM before, I can confirm the merchandise is amazing. It's all Asics so it's super high quality and they have a HUGE selection. My NYCM jacket is still one of my favorites. I like to bribe myself to run - $1 for every 1 mile run and then you can use that money at the expo as a reward :)

    Also, what is that weather app - it's awesome!

    1. I'm torn between preordering all of this stuff from the Asics online store and just waiting until I get there...I hope there's more selection than RunDisney events!! The app is called Effing Weather and you can change the setting to "explicit" if you like swearing...which, of course, I do! ;)

  5. You should run, so you can enjoy the hell out of the race, because it IS the most amazing race ever- but I might be a tad bias ;)

    and that shirt is super cute! You DO need it- it's tech right?

    I'm going to need that app, soon.

    1. Sadly, it's not tech fabric but never fear! I just went to the Asics website and there's TONS of stuff I feel that I need! I'm going to go broke just buying swag!

  6. You totally need the shirt. And the water bottle. And you totally need the back pack. I am a very good enabler!! :)

    1. I love being enabled!! I'm seriously not going to be able to control myself.


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