
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Calming The Crazy

Is anyone out there good at meditating? I've had way too many people tell me that I need to meditate. Is that weird? I assume this means that I give off some sort of crazed anxious vibe that gives people the impression that I should maybe chill.

When someone says to me that I should meditate, I have no trouble translating their true meaning, which is something like Dude, your crazed, incessant worrying and blabbering is making me insane, so either get yourself medicated or meditate, which is really just a nice way of me telling you that I would like to play an adult version of the "quiet game" with you.

Maybe I should exercise more...ya know, or run, since I'm a runner in training for a marathon. Official marathon training begins in June but I'm steadily working on my form and speed during shorter distances so that going for a 15 miler doesn't actually mean being out in the Arizona sun for like 4 hours.

Oh, I also had a brief moment of insanity where I considered signing up for the 2015 WDW marathon. No challenges, mind you, because I've decided that shit sucks and I don't want to do them least until I find my rose colored glasses and convince myself they're a blast and I should do Dopey.
Whew, that was close.

We'll just see what happens when the marathon is 95% full. I may not be able to stop myself.



  1. I think I'll do WDW full someday, but I'd rather do Space Coast first. Maybe in 2015 I can swing that one since registration for this year is a done deal.
    On meditation - LOL...this may be TMI, but one time on a girl's weekend with some friends one of the girls referred to her visit... as meditating. I had no idea what she was talking about at first. Whenever anyone brings up that word, I think of her.

    1. Ha! That's funny!

      I've already done WDW marathon as part of Goofy but it was under such horrible conditions. I'd like to run it on fresh legs and hopefully, better weather.

  2. People in my life:
    "your crazed, incessant worrying and blabbering is making me insane"

    LOL, seems we have something in common! I used to meditate in the mornings for just a few minutes, it seemed to calm the I've just resigned to it. ;) You won't find any support from me on the Disney racing...I hear Disney and I'm all in. :p Luckily I have no money, so I'm just all in in spirit b/c I can't afford it any other way. LOL

    1. Don't worry, Karen, I can't quit Disney races. I try, but I always come crawling back. ;)

  3. I literally LOL at your comment that meditating is the adult version of playing the quiet game! I should probably participate!

    1. Ha! Thanks! Yeah, it totally is...and I'm not very good at it. ;)


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