
Monday, April 1, 2013

Motivation Monday

Once again I've been a bad blogger. Things are just so busy! Two horse shows in one month is exhausting (and really hard on my wallet!)

I don't know what's happening to me, but I've been super motivated to work out and ride. I've been really dedicated to my runs. Weird, right? I'm the queen of being under trained and showing up for a race. I'm liking the new me.

I'm in love with the My Fitness Tracker app for the iPhone. It's perfect for those that suffer minor OCD, like yours truly. I can see why it works. Check it out if you have an iPhone.

Anyway, I have tons to blog about, but for now, (since I'm blogging this while waiting on hold to speak with someone in my warehouse while I am at work. Dedicated employee, right here!) I will leave you with this pic of Lou and me after a great ride this weekend.

Is anyone else feeling extra motivated right now, or is it just me?


  1. I think you're stealing my motivation- Give it back!

    1. Lol, yes, that is exactly where mine is coming from! Bwahahaha! *insert evil laugh here*

  2. Jaime, yes, I'm motivated right now. Spring is great! Well, once it finally arrives in WI. After some icky dental work today, my year is looking up! I've got a big race goal coming up that's going to be a blast.

    p.s. great pic of you & Lou

    1. Thank you! I hope you're feeling better from your dental work and that your race is awesome!


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