
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Goofy Prep, Target Adventures, and NCIS

I need to start requesting the day before I leave for a trip off of work. I never do that and therefore, I always run around like a crazy person right before leaving. I'm trying to be somewhat proactive by getting a head start on my laundry and making packing lists so I don't forget anything.

I got my waivers and confirmation print outs all together with these babies:

You can check your bags all the way to your hotel from the airport.
I've never done that before. Hope my stuff doesn't get lost!
Of course, nerd that I am, I have a special folder for all of this stuff:

Yep, serious nerd.
I even brought my stick thingy to the office with me so that I could work on my legs.

Doesn't feel great to roll your legs through your jeans.
I'm really terrible about stretching and rolling my muscles. It's no wonder they're always tight and messed up. My right Achilles tendon has been...not okay. It's not injured, but last year after doing the half and the marathon relay back to back, it felt really tweaked.

Apparently, one night of dedicated rolling does not make up for months of not rolling.

Oh, my friends are so wise. It's practically like talking to Yoda.
Thanks, A.
I also had to make my usual trip to Target to get some stuff before leaving town. Not only did I have to get things for my trip, but I had to get some of this:

Like it's not weird enough to have to buy it, but thanks
for the graphic on the front!
Anyway, my poor little Lou has a condition called "scratches", which is not actual scratches but a weird and very persistent fungus that horses get on their legs. He has this little spot on one of his back legs and it just won't go away. Typical animal ointments are runny and attract all sorts of dirt, so my vet suggested I get some this instead which has the same ingredient.

Well, I couldn't find it at Target. I had to actually get help. Oh, so embarrassing.

Me: It's not for me, it's for my horse!
Target employee: Okaaaaaay.
Me: I swear.
Target employee: Hey, I get asked for all kinds of things. Don't worry about it.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhh. The things we do for our animals.

Did anyone catch NCIS tonight? Omgomgomg. The feelings! So many of them. I actually cried. Twice!!! I won't ruin it for you if you happen to be a fan and haven't watched it, yet, but wow. It's a tear jerker.

This season has been really, really good. The last two years haven't been great, but I've really enjoyed the show this year.

So yeah, I need to go to bed. Night, y'all!


  1. That's funny, it's usually the day AFTER the trip is when I need to take the day. I always end up sick after a Disney vacay. . probably bc I run around like a mad woman who has never been and will never go back. . I need to work on that.

    Go you for bring your stick to work. I need to do that. I'm not stretching as much as I should.

    I have a folder, too! Nerds unite!

    Hope Lou feels better soon!

  2. I need to start watching NCIS again. I was so addicted to it, then life happened, I started running, and TV just got shoved aside. But I seriously love that show!

    And I'm totally giggling about what you had to buy at Target!

    1. NCIS got kind of crappy for awhile but this season has been really good. I'm a total fandom nerd.


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