
Monday, December 17, 2012

Blah Blah Blah Goofy

So yeah, about Goofy. Why the hell is it so hard to get myself motivated? I've become a running Goldilocks. First it was too hot all freaking summer. Now it's too cold.

And Goofy is creeping up. Less than 4 weeks away now. And I'm starting to have running nightmares, which I don't think I've had since I trained for my first half marathon 2 and a half years ago and I was afraid I wouldn't finish.

On the flip side, I'm totally stoked to meet Fruit Fly and Abby during WDW Marathon weekend. I hope I don't end up wanting to die. Seems like a legit concern at this point. Unless, of course, the world ends. In which case, whew! Dodged that bullet.

Anybody watch this show? I love this guy.

 I also have not even begun Christmas shopping. I. Am. Screwed.


  1. It's really amazing that you're doing the Goofy Challenge! I hope to get to that level at some point :) I'll be doing the Princess Half in February for my first half, and I know what you mean about the worry of not finishing.

    If you're looking for a bit of motivation (and if you're interested) you could add your miles to Moon Joggers ( ). It's a pretty nifty concept, getting together a group to run a total of 239,000 that it would take to get to the moon :)

    And... Oh, Christmas shopping. Best of luck to you on that one!

    1. You'll do great! Princess is a really fun race. I did it in 2011. I will have to check out the moon jiggers page, that sounds cool. Thank you!

  2. You will be fine, but do your damn 20 miler or I will slice a bitch. Do it this week, then taper and that way you can not exercise and use the excuse that it's "part of the plan" ;)

    1. Omg, Ari, you make me laugh! I'm planning on some serious mileage this weekend since I have 4 days off. At least that's the plan...I still have to do all of my Christmas shopping!

  3. YaY! I'm actually really really excited about it, except the running alone part. Did you print your waiver yet? I'm in Corral F. We definitely need to have a meetup! I don't get there until Saturday and leave Tuesday night.

    1. I think I'm in corral E. I checked on Friday night and I think I was whining that I wasn't in D, which is silly considering how slow I am!

      We get in Thursday and leave on Tuesday. Can't wait to finally meet you guys!

    2. Oh- and if you're extra slow, you can run with us! But I warn you: snails are faster than we are.

    3. Haha! I was whining too! I appreciate the offer and I might take you up on it but I gaurentee I'm slower!

    4. On the off chance that you ARE slower, which I very much doubt, just remember that Tara and I will have done the half the day before, so we'll be even slower than usual. If you want to stick with us, we might be able to motivate each other to keep going. :)


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