
Saturday, August 11, 2012

P!nk and other thoughts

I'm not the biggest P!nk fan, but I do like a lot her songs. What I like most is her f**k off attitude. I'm always trolling iTunes for new music because when you spend a ridiculous amount of hours training for a marathon, you constantly need new music.

This morning, on my loooong drive out to the start of our group run, I heard P!nk's Blow Me One Last Kiss and I fell in love with it.

Awesome running song.

I mentioned it to Tara when we were running this morning, but I hadn't really listened to the all of the lyrics. Oh, my God, this made me laugh. Seriously. She never sits around and laments lost love, she basically just says, "f**k off, I'm done."

I'm not going through a break up or anything, but the next time I get my heart broken, I should listen to this song. I'm one of those people that pulls out the rose colored glasses when something ends and somehow manages to erase all of the crappy stuff from my memory. This girl knows how to get over someone!

Whiskey dick? I would not want to
 be this woman's ex.

I bet P!nk is the type of woman that would slash an ex's tires. But it's still funny.

I also love her song, So What. Same attitude. Plus, both of them are excellent running songs. I don't usually like break up songs because, well, they're depressing...and sometimes whiny. But her break up songs make me laugh. I would not want to cross her. She seems pretty bad ass.

This morning, we did our group long run. It has been hot, hot, hot here. But the sun is rises later and later, so at least we're not being fried like an egg. We only did 7.35 miles. Eight miles were on the schedule, but as soon as that sun came up, we turned around and headed back. I never thought I would be someone that said, "only 7.35 miles." My, how things have changed.

Someone added some "artwork" to the sidewalk since the last time we ran the canal.

I thought this was cool...

I haven't been feeling great lately, so I went to bed last night immediately when I got home from work. I think it's a combination of too many outdoor activities in this ridiculous heat (it was 115 yesterday), not enough water and too much hidden gluten sneaking it's way into my body. Of course, I should really be more careful...

Run Disney announced the WDW Half Marathon Medal for 2013.

Thumbs up from me!
I like it. A lot of people were complaining about it, but I like this one better than last year's medal. Last year's just seemed...creepy. I like the circle design, which makes it look more like a medal.

Not a big fan of this one.
I am ready for them to release Mickey, since I'm doing the Goofy Challenge this year.
Now I'm off to take a short nap before meeting a friend for dinner. Cheers!

Have I mentioned how much I love my photo apps?


  1. My photo app collection is out of control these days. I love it!

    I like the new medals! But I also really liked last year's Donald, too.

    I'll have to check out that new P!nk song. I find her good to run to, and I do enjoy that sassy F You attitude of hers!

    1. Can you even imagine blogging without the instant gratification of cell phone cameras? Yikes.

      Of course, blogging wasn't a thing a few years ago, so...


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