
Sunday, June 17, 2012

But it's a dry heat!

It got up to 110 degrees in Phoenix this weekend. Ugh.

The weather in Phoenix is weird. It was almost as hot Friday and Saturday, but Sunday just felt horrid because the humidity came rolling in.

We get monsoon storms here and monsoon season doesn't really start until July, but we got a small haboob (dust storm) Saturday.

Last year, we got a storm that made international news. I happened to be at the movies when it rolled through and when we came out, it looked like we had gotten a thin blanket of snow.

Yup, that is a huge wall of dust from July 5th, 2011. (source)
A small one rolled through here yesterday:

From the front door of my townhouse.

That's dust, not clouds!
Anyway, with the arrival of the wind and dust, came an increase in humidity. Yes, we're relatively dry compared to other places, but when the humidity rises in places that are regularly over 110, it feels like your skin is being seared off.

Yesterday, I wrote about the tent we added to the arena with misters. Today I rode Bam Bam and he wanted nothing to do with those scary misters! Every time I rode by, he cocked his head and tried to dart away. He doesn't mind the tent itself, like some of the other horses, but those misters are scary, man!

We spent Father's Day afternoon at my sister and brother-in-law's house hanging out in her pool to beat the heat.

My Dad and step mom, Clare

My bro-in-law, Adam, and my sister, Melissa

My step sister, Vanessa


My adorable niece, Jacqui

Saguaro cactus only found in AZ and Mexico.
I will admit that I didn't do much running this weekend...or any at all. Official training for our team for NYC starts tomorrow, so slackerville is coming to an end. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and Father's Day!

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