
Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Struggle Is Real

Two weeks from today, I head to Disneyland for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon weekend. I'm super excited, especially for the vacation part of things and spending time with some of my favorite race buddies. And since it's Thursday, here's a throwback Thursday picture from the inaugural Tinkerbell Half in 2012.

Laser beams: ARMED


In case you're wondering why my tutu is so awkward looking, those aren't gaps between strands. It's actually black strands that aren't showing up in this picture. I figured I'd alternate colors since I was wearing a black top, but that didn't work out so well. Plus, I totally hated running in a tutu. So that was my one and only experience.

Anyway, I'm actually trained for this race. I've been dedicated to my running since New Year's. I'll admit to a few weeks of very low or no mileage, but in general, I haven't been that dedicated in years.

Now I realize that this isn't really a cause for applause because that is what you are supposed to do, but I don't have the best record of training for races. I really tried this training cycle. On Monday, I ran 10 miles after work. I rarely run that kind of distance on my own. I have good intentions and everything, but I burn out at 6 or 7 miles and call it a day. Plus, when you run like a turtle, 10 miles takes a couple of hours.

Seen on my run. All I can say is...WHY?!?!

Generally, I tend to run faster at races, so I'm hoping that what I'm clocking right now is slower than what I can pull off at Tink. I really want a PR, and I feel like I really earned it, but my pace at home isn't indicative of that happening. It's close, but I had antipicpated being a bit faster at this point.

Granted, I'm fairly confident that I can pull off a time that is better than what I've done in awhile, but I don't know if an actual PR is in the cards. And that thought is tormenting me because, like I said, I really trained this time.

This is me as a bitmoji. Everyone needs this app on their phone. For real.


Not to mention, the weather here is getting gross. I ran 5 miles last night in this:

Totally not ready for this, yet.

So basically, I'm hoping that the excitement of a race and cooler Cali temps (although it's certainly not that much cooler in Cali right now) will help me PR. In the meantime, I will concentrate on my last two weeks of training runs and properly hydrating...on mimosas. Just keepin' it real, yo.

This is what we do after we ride ponies on the weekend.






  1. Doesn't it feel good to be prepared for a race.

    Good luck, you're going to do great!

    1. It definitely feels good to be prepared, since I rarely am. Thank you!

  2. I think we're racing the same weekend, GOOD LUCCCCK!! It's been hot here and it'll hopefully be better weather in CA and you'll nab that PR!

    I love that Bitmoji app! I bombard my family with them. hehe

  3. Two weeks? That's it? It's going to be another slow one...

    1. It's around the corner! I'm hoping I won't be TOO slow. ;)

  4. Woohoo!!! Good for you. I have not been as dedicated but I'm super excited to see you!!

  5. I saw this pic of the car and thought your car is soooo cool. And it's not your car. . Ha. I actually dig it.

    1. Ha! That's great! I do like weird stuff but I draw the line at a hot pink car.

  6. That's great you have done well with your training and are ready to race. I hope you have good weather like we did last year for Tink. I had a PR for the 10k and was so excited! Can't wait to hear all about your races.

    1. Thank you!! I'm really hoping for good weather! And a PR, of course! ;)


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