
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesdays On The Run: My Running Uniform

This is my first time linking up with the girls from Tuesdays On The Run, Erika, Patty and Marcia. The topic is Running Uniforms, such as go-to pieces, etc.

This topic is perfect because very recently, I experienced the creme de la creme of first world problems when I thought my very favorite hoodie of all time was lost forever. Like, I legit was depressed over the situation. I bought that hoodie at least four years ago which is the first time I made a Facebook appearance in it- at the Inaugural Tinkerbell Half 2012.

Don't mind the laser beams from the reflectors!

This hoodie has zip pockets on each hip and is technical fabric, which makes it ideal for so many things. I bought it at Road Runner Sports, which I think is only in AZ and CA. At the time, I remember wincing at the price, which I think was around $60- $70. But man, this thing goes with me everywhere.

Ragnar Del Sol 2013


Whale Watching


It makes an excellent riding shirt


Louie loves it so much, he bit a hole in it. I was not pleased.

I feel like I need a teeny tiny patch for this. Like a lady bug.



Cruising in Alaska


I ran the NYC Marathon in it

I now consider this hoodie to be somewhat "lucky". Not to mention, it's super comfy and has a flattering cut. What more could a girl ask for?!

Playing giant Jenga

Basically, this is my very favorite article of clothing that I own. I wish I could find another like it, but so far, no such luck. It was missing for about two weeks and I walked around in utter dispair, mourning the loss of my beloved hoodie.

Anyone else have a treasured item of clothing that would bring on complete mourning if it was lost?



  1. 15 years ago my brother had a party at my house and somebody left behind this cotton Roxy hoodie with thumb holes. THUMB HOLES were amazing in 2000 and I wear it basically daily still. :P So embarrassing.

  2. This is why I buy multiples of things I love LOL. (I do at least try for different colors.) Glad you found it!

  3. It's no fun when you lose and item of clothing that you dearly love. I also buy multiples of things that I am crazy about. So glad your shirt turned up, but you really need to find a similar model and buy a bunch of them!

  4. I love using "running" clothes for riding :) Umm.. . . road runner sports has a website. I'm actually a VIP some times. I say sometimes cause you can get the VIP price cheap but then the renewal is like $25. So I cancel. Then eventually I sign up again. I love the VIP benefits. I don't own any road runner branded apparel though. Maybe I should look into that. If you see they have this hoodie online, post a link to it! (assuming we are talking about the same road runner.

  5. I often find that when I do balk at the high price of something it ends up being something I've gotten a lot of use out of. In the end I would have gladly paid double for it had I know how much I would like it.
    Looks like you definitely got a lot of use (and memories) out of that one!

  6. Haha - so when I find something I like, I tend to buy multiples (in different colors). So glad you found your hoodie!

  7. I have a favorite pair of shorts lol. I wear them to my races thinking they are good luck. Don't know what will happen when I need to replace them


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