
Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

December is always a really crazy month for me. Our biggest event at work takes place the first weekend in December every year. There's a huge conference and trade show where we write a ton of deals. By the time we get through all of that and all the paperwork is submitted, suddenly Christmas is only a week away and I'm drained and exhausted and not at all prepared for the holidays. That sort of takes the fun out of Christmas for me.


Because everything is so rushed, I feel like I don't get to just relax and enjoy the holiday. I'm scrambling to get presents together and wrapped. I still have to work and take care of my horse. This year, I tried to really enjoy the holiday and the few extra days off of work.

On Christmas Eve, most of my barn mates got together and dressed up the horses for a Christmas picture. Louie looks seriously adorable in his reindeer gear, doesn't he?

The cutest


My trainer, Kristy, and me


Me and Kelly discussing something important. Like if we should have mimosas that early.

That night, I spent Christmas Eve at my mom's house with my aunt, sister and brother in law and their two kids. My niece is going on 3 and she likes to help me pass out presents.

How appropriate

My dad and step mom went on vacation for Christmas and my sister was going over to her in laws on Christmas Day, so my mom and I went to see Star Wars. The theater I like going to is awesome because you can buy assigned seats in advance and they serve full meals and have a full bar. I know there's lots of theaters like that now, but what I like about this one is that the ticket prices are the same as a regular theater. They don't have the lounge chair type seats, but the seats are comfy enough.

For Star Wars, they had a special menu and special drinks. How fun is that?


I really enjoyed Star Wars. I'm not a super fan, so I don't know every detail of the Star Wars mythology, but I am a nerd, so I loved it. Even non fans could enjoy it as long as they appreciate some aspect of sci-fi. It was certainly an enjoyable way to spend Christmas that didn't involve running all over to various houses.


Then last night, we had a girls night out to celebrate my friend, Kelly's, birthday. We went to a new restaurant called Buck & Rider, which is totally appropriate for a bunch of horsey girls.

Me, Kelly, Kristy and Katie



So basically, my entire weekend (and pretty much entire December) was filled with eating and drinking. This morning, I saw a post in my Facebook feed about a challenge to run 1000 miles in 2016... I'm considering it. I turn 40 (YIKES) in 2016 and while I'm living a happy and fun life, I could certainly make a few changes to have a healthier one, too.

Blogging really does help motivate me, so I'm trying to catch up on that. I have the Jingle Jungle 5K recap done and I'm working on the half (well, half of a half as it turned out) recap, so those should be up soon.

Did everyone have a good holiday?




  1. Those red and white polo wraps are so fun! I should do that next year if my horse is still able to be ridden by then. I love it!

    1. I love dressing the horses up! We do it every year.

  2. The horsies look great! I totally know what you mean about all the running around and craziness around Christmas. Each year I say i'm gonna relax a bit more but there is always stuff that needs to be done!

    1. I need to get better about ordering stuff online. It's so much easier!

  3. I need those socks! But Louie is completely adorable with his ears!


Thanks for reading!