
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday Runday and Randoms

Sometimes, just for funsies, I put on running clothes and pretend to be a runner. This morning, I met my trusty running partner, Lara, at the desert trail. I've been pretty sedentary as of late which I attribute to my Netflix Addiction (and my love of sitting) but I decided it was time to get my ass moving again.

I should mention here that my Netflix addiction has not improved, I just managed to fit in some running. I finished the second season of American Horror Story and let's just say, my dreams are getting weirder. Combine that with my love of Hannibal, and you end up with dreams that involve someone suturing extra body parts to your own. No joke.

Back to running. Surprisingly, I didn't struggle as much as I anticipated. We ran 3 miles out and then back for a total of 6 fairly low key miles.

Lara stopped for yoga.


I stopped for a clover.

We were almost back to our cars when we realized that we couldn't find Lara's dog, Juno. So we got to add an extra credit mile to our total for 7 since we had to search for her. I'm fairly certain that she found shade and refused to keep going.

Yep. She's done.

Don't let this act fool you, however. This dog loves to run. I'd guess she runs at least 2 for every 1 mile we run.

If you look closely, there's a horse on that ramp...

This afternoon, I took Louis The Perfect Pony for a stroll around the neighborhood by my barn for an extra mile. That gives me a total of 8. I didn't get a picture because I didn't feel like carrying my phone, but trust me when I say he looks adorbs in his work out gear. I jest, I jest. We left his work out gear at home.

I also continued my search for a gym. I found one really close to my house which is not just a bonus, but a necessity if I'm going to actually use it. If I have to drive too far out of the way, I just won't go. I haven't been by to visit, yet, but hopefully I will get a chance to do that on Tuesday or Wednesday.

I'm really hoping they have wifi, but my main concern is this color scheme. I seriously don't know if I can spend time in here without having a seizure. That is really...electrically green.

Omg, my eyes. They burn.

Shouldn't gyms be soothing with neutral color schemes? But it's close enough that if I felt extra motivated, I could jog there. I'll scope it out and if my brain doesn't ignite from staring at those walls, maybe I will give it a shot.


On a side note, a friend of mine wants to set me up with a friend of hers. Even her husband who constantly tells her to stop playing matchmaker thinks it would be a good match. Dating is very nerve wracking for this girl, which may come as a shock because I'm a pretty outgoing person, but it causes me a significant amount of anxiety. He sounds pretty nice, so I think I might just give it a try... At some point. When I work up my nerve. Apparently he's shy.


If anyone has had a successful set up before, I need to hear about it before I talk myself out of it. I gotta go, I have to find another TV series to binge on.



  1. I kind of wish someone would go through the effort of setting me up. I'm clearly incapable of meeting men on my own. On the other hand...the last time someone set me up with a friend, the guy had the personality of a coffee mug. Go ahead and try it! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Bring him to the green gym with you and see how he handles it!

    1. I think I'm gonna go for it. I'm not having much luck on my own...

  2. You crack me up! Glad you got out and had some fun running with your pal Lara. If the gym has Wifi, you can be entertained on the treadmill with your shows. Every time I see my friend Kathy at the gym, she seems to have started a new series. You two could be friends! Enjoy the date, and you have to write about it on your blog!

    1. I have to think that having my iPad at the gym might almost keep me working out longer...

      I need to date before I end up a spinster cat lady. Lol

  3. I admit, I'm jealous you have a friend willing to set you up! Although if I was set up, then I'd have to go on the date and I'd be filled with all sorts of anxiety. But you should go, because then if I ever get set up, I'll remember that you were as well, because you know, it is all about me! :) Ha!! But seriously, you should go because it is so hard to meet people. And holy green gym! Maybe it would help motivate you to get done sooner and away from the green.

    1. It is REALLY hard to meet people! I'm filled with anxiety over it, but I'm thinking it can't be that bad, right? I hear people do it all of the time. Some if them even get married! Crazy! ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OMG Juno is adorable!

    Just go on the date already! But don't let it get too serious until AFTER marathon training ;)

    1. Ha! You're funny... But so right! Of course, I also have my other time consuming sport which is hard to explain to potential mates, too.

  6. Just thinking of running down there makes me feel like Juno in that picture!!

    1. It's pretty unpleasant, I'll be honest. But running here in the winter is amazing.


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