
Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Shoes and Getting Back To Basics

Ahoy there, mateys! So, as usual, I said I was getting serious and then slacked off in the running department for a week. I haven't been a slacker in general, just running. Life had been crazy and even though that's not a good excuse, it is what it is.

I did finally go get some new running shoes! I've always been a Brooks Adrenaline girl. I've had multiple pairs except my last pair, which were the Asics Kayano. I ran Goofy in them and I'm sad to send them to shoe retirement, but they're pretty worn. 

I hate when I fall in love with a shoe style and then they change them. That's what happened with my Brooks. I loved the first 4 pairs I had and then I got the latest and greatest pair and hated them. Well, I'm happy to report that I've fallen back in love with the Adrenalines.

The Brooks won me over once again. Sorry Asics.
My mom had asked me to go shoe shopping with her and she surprised me by buying not one, but two pairs of shoes for me. (I think my parents are feeling a little guilty about all of the money they're spending on my sister's baby. But who am I to argue over presents, right?) 

So I got two pairs of the Brooks Adrenaline. Of course, I needed the purple to go along with the more basic gray. I always get a whole size larger in my running shoes than in regular shoes so my running shoes make feet end up looking gigantic. I like that the Brooks are not quite as bulky as my Asics.

I'm in love.
I'm also a VIP member at Roadrunner Sports and so I can return any shoe that doesn't work within 30 days. I haven't actually taken them for a spin, yet, but they felt great in the store. Hopefully, I won't have to exchange them for something else.

I'm gearing up for a transformation experiment of sorts, but I'm mentally getting myself prepared for it before blogging about it. I did go running for Trail Tuesday and managed to get in 4 miles before it was too dark and I did another 4 miles in my neighborhood tonight.

Sometimes the desert is pretty cool.
Beautiful sunset on the mountain

Anyway, right now I'm concentrating on my form, building a better base and increasing speed. I'm really tired of being a slow back of the packer.

In other news, my medal arrived from Banana's Splits Virtual Race. I think my niece, Katie, is a perfect model, don't you?

Cuteness overload

She's pretty adorable. And her cheeks are so squishy! I just love her. I plan on being an awesome aunt. Disney Kids Races, here we come!

How's everyone else doing with their training? Any big goals on the horizon?


  1. Nice! I love new shoes! I'm actually thinking of straying from the Brooks after this marathon. . my calves kill me but we'll see (I also wear the Ghosts). Good luck on your transformation! Can't wait to cheer you on!

  2. I need a new pair of runners too. I tend to buy them at DSW instead of running stores. I've kind of learned what works and I can save money that way, but the trade-off is no return. That baby is adorable!


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