
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Serial Killers, Killer Mountains and Unicorns

I have a two story townhouse that is technically a condo. I don't really know what the difference is, but when I was signing the millions of pages for my loan, I saw the word "condo" like a every other sentence. But it's important to this story that you understand that my condo is two stories, because there is a possibility that a serial killer has taken up residence in my guest room upstairs.

I use the term "guest room" lightly because, in reality, this is a giant storage room. Therefore, there are plenty of spaces for a serial killer to hide. 

My house is the middle unit of three attached two story condos. On one side, my neighbor is out of town a lot and the unit on the other side of me is vacant. My complex is really quiet, so imagine my surprise when I hear a giant crash upstairs coming from the vacant condo.

So I did what any normal person would do, I grabbed The Stick and ran upstairs to investigate.

When recounting this story for Tara, she said, "you grabbed The Stick, but it never occurred to you to grab a knife?" Hmmm, yes, she has a point. 

So I ran upstairs and searched for anything that could have crashed into wall. Nada. I went back downstairs and slept on my couch clutching my "weapon" all night. 

I know I didn't imagine the crash, it shook the wall next to me. And my other neighbor was, of course, gone. I considered calling the police but I never heard another peep.

Anyway, I've determined that there are ghosts, monsters and/or Hannibal Lechter in the vacant unit next to me. 

But this is not a serial killer blog, despite my new obsession with the show Hannibal, it's a running blog. And I ran trails again this Tuesday. Lara has decided this is going to be a regular thing. This is how I feel about running up a mountain when it is 105 degrees outside.

Also, Louie is now a unicorn. 


  1. Could the crash have been an animal on the roof? We get possums and squirrels. They can make a helluva lot of noise considering their size.

    1. Apparently, we have a roof rat problem right now. I'm trying not to think too hard about it, but I might just abandon my house and foreclose without looking back, lol.

  2. Dude. No stick. I'd cry if I broke it trying to kill a serial killer.

    Total Boo to the trail run.

    1. Luckily, I have two. But you know you're a runner when you are worried about The Stick in the face of a killer, lol!

  3. I am ADDICTED to Hannibal! It is seriously so fascinating. But I can't figure out how they are allowed to have all that gory stuff on prime time TV? It's crazy!

    I actually like the idea of using The Stick as a weapon. I'm afraid I would panic and accidentally stab MYSELF with a knife. The Stick is much more fool proof.

    1. Hannibal is AMAZING. I'm so upset this first season was so short.

      And yes, I think I stand a much better chance of making contact with the stick rather than thinking I could actually defend myself with a knife...

  4. Psh, you call it a running blog, but I clicked right away when I saw my dear Hannibal's face!! *Note, I was madly in love with Anthony Hopkins in 7th grade after seeing Silence of the Lambs at the theater. I'm pretty sure some day he and I will meet and fall in love.

    I think the Stick is creative! You could protect yourself, but not accidentally be Lorena Bobbit!

    1. Do you watch the new show?! Omg, I'm obsessed. It's so good!!!

    2. I don't. I started and didn't get into it before I fell asleep. I think I need to catch it On Demand or something and just marathon it. I just never seem to stay awake late enough for the shows that start at 10pm.


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