
Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend Crazy- Part 2

Sunday was crazy busy, but I did take some time to meet with Tara for some actual speed work.

We look like serious runners, right?
We did 2 minutes running trying to keep ourselves at a 10 minute pace and then we'd walk for a minute. I know that's not super speedy compared to a lot of people we know, but it's pretty speedy for us. For some of the intervals we were actually around a 9 minute pace.

We ran at the park near my house which is also a police precinct. And it has those exercise stations, which we could not walk past without trying them out.

What the effff... this thing is so awkward.

This is hard core right here...

...but then I decided that I hate exercising.
I should probably do some more core strengthening stuff in the future...but not in the near future, because let's not get crazy or anything.

I ran around all day and doing errands, then ran up to the barn to ride and take care of the horses. Gratuitous Cute Pony Picture coming right up.

And Tara and I finally exchanged Christmas gifts!!

How awesome is this?!

Lots and lots packed into one weekend. I'm exhausted.


  1. Great work on your speedwork lady!! That is how you're going to get faster. You should do the skirt chaser or an other 5k soon to see what you can bust out in a short distance. I think you'll surprise yourself. ;)

    1. Thanks, Ari! I think I'm going to sign up for the Kiss Me I'm Irish Run 8K in March. Looks like a really fun race.

    2. Fk I forgot to register for that! Must do.
      Thanks for posting retarded pictures of me, I always feel like a celebrity! ;) they have that whole weird fitness circuit down here at chaparral AND indian school I think, we'll have to make the rounds and compare!

    3. Yes! Go register! That race looks fun!

      And you're welcome for the pictures. I can't help it if you refuse to smile like a normal person!


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